Dr Clare Z

       Dr Clare Z

 I use herbs for my immune system and avoid Western medicine, known to be one of the three top causes of deaths along with cancer and heart attacks -- iatrogenesis.

I live in an interactive Universe.

       Dr Clare Z

During two summers in the early 2000's, I attended Science and Consciousness conferences in Albuquerque, NM, where I discovered Dr. Bruce Lipton. I experienced a resonance with his work and his energy and asked if he would be the third and “outside” member of my dissertation committee. He accepted, and I felt very honored, indeed. 

At beginning of the writing of my dissertation, I moved to Denver to be near my daughter, son, and grandson. I was hired as part-time staff at the Art Students League of Denver where I occasionally taught a workshop that I designed. I had the opportunity to exhibit my artwork more than once. The workshop, taught to adults and teens, was titled Art & Physics, based on a book by Leonard Shlain by the same name. 

In addition, I worked part-time with Computer Tots, taking a laptop to pre-schools and working with two or three children at a time, ages three through five, on computer game-like educational programs. Interestingly, the woman in California who had been developing Computer Tots, designing software programs for Atari and Commodore computers, was doing this at about the same time I was designing images on an Atari for an entrepreneur in Paris, who was also developing educational software for children.

Recent publication -- Freda and Todd Find Each Other: A Reincarnation Love Story



Youngstown Business Journal (halfway down the page) article about EFT tapping, and art therapy

​Impact Maker -- Clare Puskarczyk, EFT tap therapist and volunteer -- Tap Therapy Relieves Former Inmates’ PTSD


Three-minute video


Spinning Inward

       Dr Clare Z

In May, 2012, I graduated with a PhD in Philosophy and Religion from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco with a concentration in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness Program.  My focus is on the consciousness of children. 

My MA degree in Consciousness Studies was received in 2000 from John F. Kennedy University in CA . My project title -- New Schools for a New Millennium: Transforming Public Schools into Holistic Educational Environments was designed as a website at that time. 

For most of my life, I have felt certain that education could be designed as a more alive and joyful experience for children. In the 1970s, we moved from California to Florida so that my two young children might have the experience of a Democratic school,  Grassroots Free School. Later,  when we moved to Denver,  I homeschooled until they chose to attend public school. In those days, I was not aware of local home schoolers, and my children wanted/needed friends to play and socialize with.

​When my children were grown, and while I was enjoying exhibiting my artwork in Santa Barbara, I had the opportunity to visit friends in Paris. There I met my former French husband. The Universe graciously moved him to California where he worked on his physics PhD project at NASA for seven months during which time we traveled back and forth between Santa Barbara and Silicon Valley. While in Santa Barbara, I discovered the New Age material that was generating lots of energy at that time. A few months after he returned to France, I moved to Paris, was married to Thierry Huet, and lived there for four years.

Due to a family crisis situation in the 1990s, I moved back to my hometown and enrolled in Youngstown State University where I had dropped out 25 years earlier, 1967, to move to California. Because I had recently facilitated a metaphysical/New Age center, a small non-profit organization in Paris, I was directed to Dr. Chris Bache’s Transpersonal courses by a couple of my new friends. I found that his work included concepts and writers/teachers such as those read and discussed in Paris. He also brought to my attention CIIS, the California Institute of Integral Studies. I knew about John F. Kennedy University from correspondence with one of its instructors -- Bruce Davis -- whose Heart of Healing book was donated to our QLIC (for the promotion of a Quantum Leap In Consciousness) lending library. Long before Amazon.com, many English-speaking people in Paris were hungry  for books popular in the US about the new sciences, consciousness, and spirituality. 

A professional artist/painter for a couple of decades, I  enrolled in a digital art program at YSU and chose to study my fifth year in the Education department. I had the opportunity to do student teaching at the high school my parents attended, as well as myself and my children when each of them spent time with their grandparents.


After graduation with a BA in psychology, a minor in art, and one year in education, I moved to Oakland, CA, to attend JFK University. I was employed as an substitute in a school for children with disabilities, mostly autistic. I taught Flash animation to 10 through 12-year-olds at Mills College in their summer camp program during two summers. I also tutored Oakland school children for several years. 

After time out from higher education, I decided to go back to my studies and get a PhD at CIIS, if my work could focus on children, education, and consciousness. I  didn’t know how that would fit into CIIS’s curriculum. Dr Robert McDermott, along with Charlene Spretnak, agreed to assist me in this huge, long-term project.

That first year at CIIS. I was hired by a Sudbury Free and Democrat school in Santa Clara as a part-time staff member. It required that every Friday, I travel for three hours each way by public transportation. I had my laptop and the intention, curiosity, and commitment to be with those children who were learning differently.

I love animals and stopped eating them in 1975 while preparing a turkey for Thanksgiving. All at once, I felt in tune with the suffering of all the animals being slaughtered for the holidays. Not a holiday for them! My experience lasted only seconds and changed my life forever concerning the treatment and eating of animals.


​Within six months of my graduation from CIIS in May of 2012, I returned to Ohio to help care for my parents. While working at a day care center with babies, I privately taught an advanced form of the Art & Physics workshop titled: Art, Physics, and Resonant Fields. It included EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, tapping) and colored pencil drawing (art therapy) meant to help alleviate PTSD.

Presently, I'm a substitute teacher at Hope Academy for Autism -- elementary, middle, and high school. In, addition, from time to time during the past three years, I have shown DVDs focused on consciousness studies at our local Unitarian Universalist Church. In the summer of 2018, I facilitated my Art, Physics, and Resonant Fields workshop at the Unitarian Church and will be offering an updated version in April and May at SOAP Gallery in downtown Youngstown. In May, I will be the featured artist at TAG, Trumbull Art Gallery in Warren. 

What is not covered here are the many large and small synchronicities with which I live nearly daily. I follow these as guidance for my soul learning and the joy of connection I experience when they happen. I will focus on writing about these synchronicities in a book I plan to write -- Jeans, Genes, and Resonant Fields: Commentaries on Living by an Old Hippie in a New Age. I also plan to write a book titled, The Monster Who Steals Seeds and another about my extraterrestrial being, Relevant Elbisivni.