“We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical counter measures such as a pan corona virus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”Peter Daszak, President, EcoHealth Alliance, 2015, Published in 2016 in the National Academy Press Publication.

I can no longer communicate without sharing at least a little of what I know about the harm being done to children. After my recent introduction to my email community of Kevin Jenkins speaking out to save the children, without this person actually viewing the videos, he responded with an article about the Emancipation Proclamation and links to info. about Down's syndrome.

This person is lost in what some may term white privilege (he has no clue) and does not realize that Down syndrome is indeed one of very few genetic disorders, but nearly half of American children do not have that issue. Whereas nearly half are along the autism spectrum. In addition, autism is not genetic -- there is NO autism gene, just as there is no cancer gene. There are combinations of genes that predispose but depend on a signal from the environment (like the toxins, etc. in vaccines) to actually cause the symptoms.

In the case of autism, breaking through the blood brain barrier and causing encephalitis in a one-day old with levels of aluminum so high that the FDA warns this is too high for an adult. And why does a newborn need hep b (for prostitutes & those with needle addictions) or any vaccine three years before they have developed enough of an immune system that may benefit at all from a vaccine that is actually safe and effective (which they are not -- Supreme Court ruling, unavoidably unsafe). Child sacrifice for the dark side. 

Energetically, if you understand fractal patterning in a holographic universe, you will get that this is an issue of parasites. At the deepest levels or dimensions, however you want to term it, dark forces literally suck the Light of humanity. Read Dr. Thomas Zinser's work. We're not victims though. Choices are made that give those dark ones power to make deals. We can see this pattern throughout, whether mafia behaviors, or the parasitic nature of whatever we're calling a virus (unproven what viruses really are, and yet any discussion is censored -- that's not science).

We know that there are treatments that work very well --  ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and are being prevented from use in the US even though the WHO has clearly stated that these work. Zimbabwe, with high parasite populations, uses these two medicines regularly and went through the covert virus experience as if nothing happened. There's quercetin and the usual vitamin supplements, as well.

We also know that glyphosate damages the immune system because it harms the microbiome which is essential for the heart, brain, immune function, as well as digestion. So if you're eating sprayed foods, products packaged with excitotoxins (brain damage) one of which is MSG -- (has multiple names, those sneaky guys). 

If you're drinking tap water with fluoride and chlorine (there's a new kind of chlorine that doesn't evaporate), then you're damaging your brain that way. If you add the EMFs from wifi and cell phones, etc., then there's even more damage. So, yes, the covert virus could be an issue for you. 

And so there are the parasitic energies that have taken the souls (not permanently) of certain sociopaths and psychopaths that in turn, are induced to bring in the numbers. More people, stronger field, mafia-like parasites that have come together globally -- a plan well-established since the end of ww2. That's where they learned how to do what they've been doing -- the Nazi mind. At the root is eugenics and control, full control, thus a totalitarian technocracy --  to be able to compete with China who has that enslavement quite well-established.

Check out Australia and the deaths and harm to the aboriginal people while the country is now in lockstep with totalitarianism. They cried out for help, but the American population is much too busy watching distorted TV and shopping, consuming the life out of Mother Earth.

Then you have been masking for nearly a couple of years. Pandemics last two or three months. When you put that mask on your face, immediately alarms go off and your amygdala is activated, cortisol levels rise, your immune function is lowered, and your prefrontal cortex cannot think -- cannot understand consequences -- explains a lot about why common sense has gone out the window! 

"Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill." JAMA April 21, 2020 Volume 323, Number 15 (Reprinted) jama.com © 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

We've all but lost basic human rights -- freedom of speech. All those speaking the truth like the "disinformation dozen" are censored. Think about this. It just occurred to me. A dozen, like the twelve apostles -- you only need twelve to create a strong resonant field in addition to the central figure who was called Jesus, the Christed One. Christ Consciousness. So who is that central figure right now? YOU! You're the one making a choice to believe the lies or grasp the truth however painful it is, and it is! You'll have to grieve. You'll have to grieve for all the harm done by your promotion of aspects of this agenda that are doing harm, especially harm to the children.

Jesus said that we need to be like children in order to have heaven as our home. Was he joking? I don't think so. Many of us expect our heaven to be here on this beautiful Earth that was given to us as a garden.  He also said that the absolutely worst thing you can do is to harm a child. That was no joke either. We are all suffering because of the harm that has been done to children, especially the harm done at birth, the harm done by the encephalitis caused by vaccines, and the harm done by all other toxic chemistries that children are exposed to, and all of the toxic images that children are exposed to, and all of the toxic words (like the "F" word which is being normalized). Words are vibratory. They have an effect on our energy systems.

We are losing any informed consent -- a freedom meant for all humanity. Finally, there's bodily integrity being lost as well. Go ahead and give your body over to a company like Pfizer that has paid out millions of $s to the US government for their fraudulent behaviors just within the past couple of decades. Go ahead and trust them. Trust the CDC and the FDA that have vested interests in the billions of $s being made by the vaccine industry with NO liability for harm. Never before has such a thing existed in the corporate world. So they don't even bother with proper testing. Why would they?

They test their other marketed poisons, other pharmaceuticals, just in case you have a headache or if you have diabetes because of sugar addiction. They are liable for those. But they inject poisons into tiny bodies that if you, as a parent, put such things in a baby's bottle to drink, you'd be arrested. 

In addition to completing the painting of the walls of my art studio upstairs, I will begin work on writing my book, Jeans, Genes, and Resonant Fields: Commentaries on Living by an Old Hippie in a New Age. And I'll add to this commentary page from time to time.

In an interview with Quantum biologist Dr Mae-Wan Ho (2010), she explains:
"Current medical thinking is to define diseases by molecules. You have single molecule diseases; you have single molecule interventions. In fact, there are a lot of misdiagnoses, a lot of ignoring the whole system. . . . You can’t just push a molecule into a system because the molecules are acting in an entire network, and they’ve got to change according to the whole. . . . For example, in your body, you’ve got trillions, tens of trillions of cells. And any single cell in your body is different at every moment. How can you say that you can cure diseases by focusing on a single molecule that you put under control of a viral promoter that makes it overexpress in every cell, all of the time? Harmful side effects are getting worse with these so-called biologicals, biological medicines that they are pushing onto the market."
There are quite a number of them. And the worst ones are the antibodies . . . The names of the drugs bear no direct connection to what they really are, so you’ve got to look at the drug, and then you’ve got to figure out, “Is it a protein? Is it a monoclonal antibody? Or is it something else?” Another example is the recent swine flu vaccines: practically all are potentially dangerous, more dangerous than the swine flu itself." 

A beautiful description of what Dr Mae-Wan Ho's research results:
“The visible body just happens to be where the wave function of the organism is most dense. Invisible quantum waves are spreading out from each of us and permeating into all other organisms. At the same time, each of us has the waves of every other organism entangled within our own make-up . . . . We are participants in the creation drama that is constantly unfolding. We are constantly co-creating and re-creating ourselves and other organisms in the universe, shaping our common futures, making our dreams come true, and realizing our potentials and ideals.”

Our Lawyers — July 2021

"Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill."
JAMA April 21, 2020 Volume 323, Number 15 (Reprinted) jama.com © 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

"The best masks block .3 microns, the virus is .125 microns, passes through the masks like water through a sieve. A cough or sneeze travels at least 30 feet so how does 6 feet protect you? Go out on a chilly morning and watch the steam coming through the mask. Stanford research proved the masks were ineffective, created brain, and organ damage, bacterial pneumonia, along with psychological disorders. The lack of oxygen and recycling the bacteria, virus, other toxins from the lungs trapped by the mask is having severe side effects. They were forced to retract their studies shortly after publishing." James Gilliand

As of this January 2022, I have been guided to be brave and move full speed ahead for the sake of the children. I want to surround myself with those who already know about the harm, or who are suspicious and want to learn more, and those who would like to help with the healing. This has nothing to do with obvious political orientations. The immediate concern is the worldwide attempt to move us into a totalitarian technocracy, so you might notice that all sorts of people, diverse groups, are behind this move to save the children. If judgement could be put aside, we can do this.

On this page, I'll be sharing my research, my comments, and the evidence. 

Articles/websites/videos often will not be linked as they could put me in line with the massive censorship of the past two years. Google knows all.

Please, copy and paste the URLs. Thank you. 



Medical Racism: The New Apartheid


Dr. Mattias Desmet, teacher of Mass Formation Psychosis; Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine; and Dr. Peter McCullough, the most published cardio-renal physician in world history.

My theme song ( :

Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy - Welcome To The Revolution


Dr. Reiner Füellmich and More Legal Evidence


Ad-hoc 20 | In conversation with

Father Dr. Karel Grszan - short 




In all of Nature and in all of the Universe, everything is involved in a feedback system -- information feeding back, shared continuously. Only human thinking can interfere with this essential process. Only humans can stop information flow, substituting with beliefs/dogma (am god) rather than the actual, in the moment, present and direct experience (mindfulness). 
If, indeed, we experienced our own energetic systems -- body, mind, soul, we would have known immediately that we were being duped.

We would have known long ago -- some of us did. As a child of the 60s, I knew what was going on. I observed what was being done to the children, and I knew for sure. 

We do need to act, and although I hoped that we could bring a marvelous African American to Youngstown (Kevin Jenkins) to help save the children, all children, whatever their color, unless others get behind this and contact me, I cannot do it myself. At least it isn't obvious to me how that would be. (Don't want to close doors).

The first three responses I received were from three African American women here in Youngstown. All three of whom are doing amazing things to help others.



To my anti-fracking activist friends who know the frustration of dealing with the oil industry, here's some information:

"The politicians have been paid off. The pharmaceutical company puts more into lobbying, more money than any other industry. You would think of oil and gas - that's number two and pharma puts double what oil and gas puts in. Four times what military and aerospace puts in. There's more pharmaceutical lobbyists in Washington DC than there are congressmen."

Robert Kennedy, Jr. from the transcript, The Truth about Vaccines.