Much of my art has revealed to me deep intuitions about who we are and how the Universe works. In addition to the extraterrestrial images that showed up first, many of my paintings have been referred to as psychedelic. This was a clue to me that the depth of artistic intuition brings through vibratory information and resonant field sensing, that is shamanic in nature. I've come to feel that we are all capable of shamanic work, that we are  potential healers, that we have access to deep knowingness, but through trauma and deprivation of love, we may not realize that potential. To live fully and freely is our human right and our soul's need. 

When I discovered Leonard Shlaine's  book, Art & Physics, I understood that he was on to something of great importance -- that the artist does indeed tap into resonant fields of consciousness and is able to bring forward concepts that will eventually show up in science.


I developed a workshop with the same name as the book and taught it multiple times to adults and teens at the Art Students League in Denver. Now titled, Art, Physics, and Resonant Fields, I continue to facilitate this ability of artists and intuitives to tune into information fields of the collective unconscious.  Einstein was clear and correct that the FIELD informs matter/energy. 

for the promotion of a

Quantum Leap In Consciousness

We are made of Sound and Light, and water is the medium for life.

                                                                                                                                                                       Dr Clare Z

This site is dedicated, in part, to communicating  my philosophy concerning children -- who they really  are, how they are harmed by technological birth and the modern materialistic worldview, and how to help with their healing. The site is interspersed with my artwork -- drawings, paintings (watercolors, acrylics, oils and digital).

I survived my own childhood by drawing, coloring, and reading about the lives of saints, as well as fairy tales from around the world. I already had many psychic experiences and read about the Rhine Institute's work as a teen-ager. At 14, I went to a Franciscan convent school to become a nun but was guided to return home after a year and a half, because I had work to do "in the world." I did not understand what that meant. Many years later, as I was flying into Europe for the first time, I had the sense that I had lived many lifetimes in monasteries in Europe and was coming home. In this lifetime, I was to learn how to live and fulfill my life's purpose "in the world."

At about the age of 20, I released my attachment to the Roman Catholic Church in one inspired moment and expanded to the awareness of a Universal Intelligence from which all of everything unfolded. I began using the term "Universe" in place of the Father God I had only recently began questioning. At the time, I wondered whether I would experience still what I had called little miracles, more than coincidences, that offered me joy and a sense of connection. And "yes" they continued. Not long afterwards, I learned the word "synchronicity" and understood these meaningful coincidences (termed as such by Carl Jung) as guidance and indicators that I was moving along a meaningful life path.

My painting career began at the age of 30 after I attempted some small watercolors. For reasons I cannot explain well, my first paintings were of extraterrestrial beings. This was early in the same year that the movie ET was released,  before I knew anything about that wonderful movie. At that time, I already sensed an ability to tap into collective consciousness although I hadn't yet discovered information about this possibility. From the age of about 20 through 38, I read very little. I did not want to be influenced by any belief system in order to discover myself and the Universe through direct experience.

At 44, I chose to pursue my education, receiving a PhD in Philosophy and Religion with a concentration in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness with my focus specifically on children. It is my deep conviction that if the perinatal period and early childhood were to become free of culturally imposed post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, the effect would be a shift in the collective consciousness of  humanity.

The name of this site, QLIC (Quantum Leap In Consciousness), pronounced "click," is an anagram that popped into my mind in 1986 while on a walk in the Colorado mountains  before I  was aware of the "New Age."

Just prior to that time, I had been watching videos of Krishnamurti, physicist David Bohm, and biologist Rupert Seldrake in dialogue. A year later, the Universe plopped me into the position of assistant manager at a New Age shop in Santa Barbara, California, where I discovered that I was not alone in my thoughts and intuitions, my personal worldview. Up to that point, I read little, asking the Universe to guide me to what was most essential for my own soul's needs. Allan Watts, John Holt, Joseph Chilton Pearce, and primarily Krishnamurti, were feeding my soul and expanding my mind. As Krishnamurti suggested, I questioned all authority, including my own inner authority. The questioning of authority is why I was attracted to Krishnamurti in the first place. As a kind of "cosmic Joke," my job involved ordering books for the store from Bookpeople in Washington State, years before Amazon, allowing me to become familiar with these new age, new science, new consciousness, and metaphysical books. I discovered that many others were considering the same kinds of questions about consciousness, spirit,  love, and healing.  I found my people!  At the New Age shop, Paradise Found, I experienced what seemed to be a natural, intuitive ability to help guide customers to the book or books that might be most meaningful to them, even though I hadn't read the book myself.

A year later, I was in Paris, preparing to marry my former French physicist husband and searching for community. I attended a bookstore event at L'Space Bleu, where a filmed Krishnamurti talk was being shown with French voice-over. There I met an American woman who helped me create the community I sought. A few of us met regularly discussing the new books from the States on science and consciousness, healing, etc. We collected donations of books to form a lending library for the English-speaking people in Paris who were attracted to new ways of thinking, some of which matched old knowledge, as well, about the body, mind, and spirit connection. A non-profit was formed and named QLIC.

With only an old typewrite that belonged to my French husband's father, I created a monthly newsletter. Here are examples of covers of those first newsletters in 1988.​​

       Relevart Elbisivni

                                  Dr Clare Z

 Relevart Elbisivni is Invisible Traveler spelled backwards. This entity appears to children and those who have open and loving hearts. I intend to write teaching stories with Relevart as the narrator. 

The story behind this painting: I was given a lily at Christmas 1979. This is a large watercolor that I painted shortly afterwards, purchased from my living room wall during a time when I was teaching art classes in my home in Denver. About that same time, I began painting things black -- kitchen chairs, etc. In addition to this painting, my behavior caused me to think that someone was going to die. I thought that it would be my grandmother. But, instead, it was my 15-year-old brother. This is an example of how an artist, might learn through their art about deeper realities and future events. He ended his own life early in January 1980.

A Shaman Tuning In

                                Dr Clare Z

Children are shamanic beings, recognized as such by certain peaceful indigenous cultures. It may be that each one of us came here with something unique to be and to do in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness of the whole of humanity in addition to individual soul evolution.

Multiple trauma during the primal period and in early childhood may interfere with  remembering and with living out a personal destiny, leaving one a victim of fate.

A culture that comprehends the significance of a happy and healthy child might consider it the right of every child to have the least stressful fetal life, the most natural childbirth, and an in-arms, non-toxic babyhood. Such a culture would support extended family communities that care for mothers-to-be and provide assistance in preparation for pregnancy and childhood. It would support a life of joy and play for its children, lovingly respecting and valuing them. Those children would be positively attuned to fields of similar resonances, strengthening those fields through participation.

Anxiety in a child would alert the parents that some trauma-related pattern has developed and that healing should be facilitated as early as possible. Alternative healing techniques have been used successfully as treatments for removing patterns of trauma, including those related to reincarnational issues. Coherence, or compassionate intelligence, may result from the correction of negative imprinted patterns, the consequences of primal suffering.

Dr Clare Z

In the present epidemic of autism, it may be possible that the soul does not fully enter and integrate with the physical body at birth, or afterwards, perhaps dissociating to various degrees from the body because of multiple trauma. Birth trauma; heavy metals and other toxins, often from unsafe vaccines;  over-vaccination, circumcision;  imbalanced intestinal flora, often from genetically engineered food; and EMFs , radiation from ultra sound, wifi, computers, cell phones, mobile phones, may be some of the stressors culminating in various degrees of PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder.

Many stories about these children reveal a telepathic relationship with the mother. The inability to make eye contact or to be affectionate may be due to disturbances experienced when eyes meet and when touch would otherwise move the child into coherence and bonding. This intimate connection may not be possible if consciousness, as soul, cannot deeply connect with body consciousness and may result in the disturbing symptoms displayed as pain and extreme frustration. One need only become aware of natural, and sometimes orgasmic, childbirth, the accompanying eye-gazing, and levels of the love cocktail of bonding and joyful chemistries natural to mother and child to get a clue that we are disrupting our humanity, the very nature of a human being, and creating an evermore violent world.